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星期四, 4月 25, 2024




1. 所有的回復目的只有一個:說服 Editor,必須解決所有審稿人的疑慮,突出文章的貢獻。

2. 如何得體又有理有據的回覆強硬拒絕的審稿人

3. 一定要對 Editor 說一些好話,這要在整體回復審稿人意見之前寫上去。

得體回覆審稿人的模板:We appreciate the reviewer for carefully reading our manuscript and makingtheir insightful, critical, and constructive feedbacks. We appreciate that their comments have enabled us to prepare a greatly improved manuscript.(誇他) However, we respectfully disagree with the assessment of this reviewer regarding ourinnovativeness,analysis, and conclusions that the (自己的東西) is a common and unconvincing architecture. (反對他)We apologize for the previous poor formatting and some disputed descriptions of our manuscript, which may have made some of this evidence unclear. (對自己文章不足進行道歉)For this reason, we have revised the statements in our introduction and discussion to better highlight the novelty and advancement of our work.(改進並指明亮點)隨後對自己的亮點進行總結說明,包括那幾點

